Looking for an engaging and effective way
to achieve your goals?

Do you want an intensive burst of therapy?

Neuroboost is an upper limb therapy program offered at ONE Rehabilitation Service. Neuroboost is designed to be an intensive and engaging way for clients to be able to perform the repetitions required to achieve their upper limb goals. This program can target both fine motor and gross motor upper limb skills.

What is Neuroboost?

• A 6-week program involving 3 x semi supervised sessions per week in our clinic with an occupational therapist or physiotherapist.

• Development of an individualised home exercise program for the client to complete at home daily.

• Utilises a range of technology including Tyromotion Pablo, Rehabtronics Rejoyce, AbleX, and Music Glove as well as conventional evidence-based upper limb therapy tools.

• Provides clients with a summary report at the conclusion of the program including pre and post program outcome measures.

Who is suitable for Neuroboost?  

The following clients are suitable for Neuroboost including:  

  • Clients with upper limb impairment from stroke, traumatic brain injury or other neurological conditions. Clients must have some active movement in their affected upper limb. 
  • Clients who have recently had botox and are looking for a burst of therapy. 
  • Can include sub-acute and chronic clients.  
  • Modifications can be made for clients depending on their physical ability and cognition. 

Eligibility will be screened prior to the commencement of the program.

What does the evidence say?
The Stroke Clinical Practice Guidelines state that a high dose of upper limb therapy (i.e., more time spent in therapy and high numbers of repetitions – 300 repetitions per hour) is required to optimise upper limb recovery in individuals following a stroke.

In studies completed, client feedback has included that upper limb programs can be quite boring and tedious to engage in.

Evidence shows that technology and therapy programs, such as those provided at One Rehabilitation Service, can create a positive learning experience which is fun, engaging and motivating for clients. This positive experience leads to a significant increase in the number of repetitions performed and this higher dosage of repetitions is required for clients to increase their upper limb function and best possible outcomes.

Neuroboost will focus on high dose, task-specific practice, which the evidence shows reduces motor impairment and improves activity and participation.

Get in Touch

08 7089 3927

65 Anzac Highway, Ashford SA 5035