COVID-19 (Coronavirus) 

Our response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

An essential service

We understand the importance for people with acquired brain injury and other neurological conditions to be able to continue to access the supports and services they need.

We want to reassure you that we are taking the necessary safety measures to ensure the health and well-being of our clients, their families and carers, and our staff. Therapy sessions can still proceed as normal in most cases. We are also offering tele-rehab as an option for clients who are unable to attend the clinic or have a therapist in their home.

Your therapy sessions may look different but our services will always be available to you while keeping in line with the latest government and official health directives. We are here to ensure we minimise the disruption to your therapy as a consequence of COVID-19.

ONE Rehabilitation Service COVID-19 Update 

Your safety is of our highest concern, and with recent increasing rates of COVID in South Australia, it is important that we maintain our highest vigilance in ensuring that we are doing our best to protect you, your family and our staff. See below for the latest updates to our COVID-19 Policy.

When visiting the clinic, or before we visit you at home, we are now asking the following questions

  • Have you or anyone else present during the appointment (family members, support workers etc.) tested positive for COVID-19 within the last five days?
  • Have you or anyone else present during the appointment (family members, support workers etc.) been identified as a close contact?
  • Are you or anyone you are living with, currently feeling unwell with symptoms such as; cough, sore throat, runny/stuff noses, difficulty breathing and/or experienced a loss of taste or smell?

If you answered yes to any of these questions; we will discuss the risks with you, and we may implement the following

  • Exclusion from the clinic for a minimum of five days
  • Cancellation of a home visit or a switch to tele-rehab
  • Use of PPE during sessions, which may include you being required to wear a mask.

Thank you for supporting our health service with providing the safest care during this time of COVID-19. If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Director, Megan Tan.

Changes to the delivery of our services during

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic


Clinic Therapy

We are taking our clients’ and staff’s safety seriously and applying the government recommendations provided to minimise the risk of infection at our clinic as follows:-

  • Masks are optional for clients but will be asked to wear one if exhibiting cold and flu-like symptoms.
  • Staff and visitors are asked to use the hand sanitiser provided upon entry to the clinic.
  • Chairs in the waiting area have been placed 1.5 metres apart.
  • We are cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces regularly.
  • All equipment is disinfected before and after each therapy session.
  • We request clients to call and cancel their session if they feel unwell.


Home Visits

If we visit you in your home, please help us minimise the risk of infection by:-

  • If you feel unwell in anyway please call the clinic to cancel your session.
  • Observe social distancing rules of 1.5m.
  • If close contact is required PPE will be worn by the therapist and you may also be asked to wear the appropriate PPE if required.
  • Always ensure you follow thorough hand hygiene. Washing your hands with soap for 20 seconds regularly.
  • Where possible home visits can be conducted outside in the fresh air. 




Online Consultation / Telerehab

We understand how important it is for our clients to continue working towards their goals during this time of COVID-19. Our tele-rehab service allows you to continue your therapy from the safety of your home. Benefits include:-

  • Ability to receive your therapies on a face-to-face basis.
  • You can use your devices such as phone, ipad or computer to access the service.
  • Continuous progression towards your goals.
  • Suitable for new and ongoing therapies.
  • Allows people living in regional areas to access the services they need.
  • All our allied health services can be accessed via our tele-rehab program. 

find out more about 

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) 

The South Australian Government has created a website to provide specific updates to the South Australian community.




The Australian Government has a national COVID-19 website. This site is regularly updated to give you the latest Coronavirus news, updates and advice from government agencies across Australia. 



The World Health Organisation has developed a website which is providing regular international updates on the
COVID-19 Pandemic.



Get in Touch

08 7089 3927

65 Anzac Highway, Ashford SA 5035