Tristan Clements

Clinical Lead of Concussion Services & Senior Physiotherapist

About Tristan

Tristan Clements

Bachelor of Physiotherapy, James Cook University

Graduate Certificate in Rural & Remote Healthcare, Flinders University

Courses in Concussion Management, Persistent Pain Management, Neuromuscular Dry Needling, and Vestibular Rehabilitation

Tristan worked as a generalist physiotherapist before beginning to focus on neurological rehabilitation, giving him a diverse range of experience. He has a holistic understanding of his client’s impairments relating to their brain injury, as well as other injuries they may have sustained. 

Tristan loves working in an active & engaging profession and in a team environment. He enjoys developing a rapport with clients and seeing them thrive & achieve goals.

Get in Touch

08 7089 3927

65 Anzac Highway, Ashford SA 5035